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  • Writer's pictureShrina Patel

Staff Highlight: Marc Trujillo

Marc is our new Social Studies teacher at Association House High School. He joined our high school staff this year and was drawn to being an educator because his experience as a camp counselor introduced him to the role of being a social and emotional support for young people.

What originally drew you to joining the Association House family?

I graduated from my teacher’s education program in 2020 at the height of the Covid – 19 pandemic. After taking a year away from teaching to help support my family I was looking for a school that would align with my professional goals and personal passions without much luck. Association House must have been one of a dozen applications I sent out that week but when I had my first opportunity to visit the building I knew it was different than any school I had known before. There is a culture of social services support coming from the agency that you can feel in the classrooms and I knew I wouldn’t find that anywhere else.

What is your favorite part of your experience with Association House High School?

Most schools talk a big game about supporting the whole student but no other institution can claim to offer what AHHS does. Education is an important social service, but being a part of AHC ensures that it is not the ONLY one available to our most at-risk youth. I love how our school has small class sizes and prioritizes teaching community, growth, and courage over routine and compliance. I truly feel like what I do day in and day out serves all of my students and not just a small group of college-bound high achievers.

Who or what influenced your desire to want to be a teacher/educator?

I have a strong sense of community service coming from a military family but I think I always wanted to be a doctor, or a teacher, just someone who changes something outside of the armed forces. I had great teachers throughout my life who taught me their passion for social studies and civic engagement, but It was my time as a camp counselor that introduced me to roles being social and emotional support for young people. I really enjoy working at AHHS because it does not force me to choose between the two.

What has been your most fulfilling experience as a teacher?

Since I’m such a new teacher I am constantly making new and fulfilling experiences. Seeing students succeed and get a good grade for a quarter is always awesome, don’t get me wrong, but the most fulfilling moments are when we can really see the educational healing we are doing here. When a new student with fresh educational trauma starts the week with their head on the desk but ends the week feeling comfortable speaking and contributing to the classroom community, now that really makes me smile.



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